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Election victories strengthen pro-student, pro-union majority in Olympia

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Election doorbellers
WEA members Camille Duez and Nicole Newman door-belled for pro-student candidates.

The pro-union, pro-student majority in the Washington Legislature will grow when lawmakers convene Jan. 14.

Based on initial results that could change, a majority of the pro-student, pro-union candidates recommended by WEA members won in Tuesday’s general election.

Here is a list of the recommended candidates who currently are winning their elections.

Hundreds of WEA members canvassed for priority candidates, including Bill Ramos  and Lisa Callan in the Issaquah area and Mari Leavitt and Rep. Christine Kilduff in Pierce County. Washington voters also re-elected many other pro-education incumbents, including WEA members Rep. Monica Stonier, Rep Steve Bergquist and Rep. Lillian Ortiz-Self.

"WEA members helped elect pro-education candidates across the state,” said Kim Mead, WEA president. “Now we look forward to working with the Legislature in the upcoming legislative session to make sure our students have the resources and support they need to be successful."

Later in November, WEA will release its 2019 legislative priorities, which will include school safety and funding issues.

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